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  1.  Report Postpermalink

    Ok, he made fun of the entire thing. But the video was funny, but also showed what needs to be overcome by the mind sport community needs to overcome to start to get TV and media coverage. He spoke of the "Tens of Dollars spent by the American Xiangqi program". It is worth checking out.

    I found a video of the show posted in another link.

    - Rich

  2.  Report Postpermalink

    You can see th4e video for it here:

    • CommentAuthorMeadmaker
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2008
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    Any publicity is good publicity? Probably.

    The web site for the WMSG is pretty pathetic, if you ask me. In particular, it was hard to find results of the games. I would be interested in seeing lists of moves played. After some googling, I found the Xiangqi results at

  3.  Report Postpermalink

    Well, my hope for England in 2012 will be a better website, that is more Western friendly. I did find the results of USA here:

    • CommentAuthorMeadmaker
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2008
     Report Postpermalink

    Someone posted complete lists of medal winners, with names and countries, to the wikipedia page for the world mind sports games, but to me, what I would like to see is a replay of the games, i.e., the moves made.

  4.  Report Postpermalink

    Well, hopefully someone will get the moves up and so on.

    - Rich

  5.  Report Postpermalink

    By the way, here is the clip for the World Mind Sports games for Colbert: