===== IAGO Framework (Basic Navigation) ===== * [[http://abstractgamers.org/wiki|IAGO Wiki Main page]] * [[http://abstractgamers.org|IAGO Home]] * [[http://abstractgamers.org/forums|IAGO Forums]] * [[links|Links]] ====== Preface ====== This document provides a standardized methodology for the development and integration of variants into established game, for the purpose of enable games to evolve perpetually, and a means of standardized acceptance of games into IAGO.\\ ====== Introduction ====== This framework is a methodology used to integrate games and their variants, and provide a migration strategy for these games to evolve over time. The objective is to create robust games, that adapting and changing, to remain both fresh and remain timeless. Note that this framework is meant to be of value to all people who read this. Its intent is to advance development of abstract strategy games and advance their development and evolution.\\ \\ This framework provides a systematic approach of games, to accomplish the objective stated above. The IAGO Framework accomplishes the objective through the use of multiple varieties (classes). By the means of this Framework, a single game is transformed from a game one set of rules, into one that has multiple classes and rule sets. These classes build upon one another, to allow a person to get fully familiar with the IAGO versions of a game. There are six varieties (classes) of the IAGO version of a game. These varieties are: A-Class, B-Class, C-Class, M-Class, V-Class, and X-Class.\\ ====== The Six Varieties of Game Rules Produced by the Framework ====== To fully reflect and meet the demands of a community for a game, the IAGO version of a game divides a game up into different classes. No one class is superior to another and each class serves a purpose and function. The Classes of the IAGO version of a game are describe here. In the IAGO version of the game, there are 6 classes of rules (5+1). These classes are described below: \\ \\ 1. A-Class (Alpha, as in starting point): This Class covers existing abstract strategy games such as chess or checkers, prior to being transformed by the framework. The A-Class version of a game is the starting point for B-Class, C-Class and M-Class forms. (One set of rules).\\ \\ These 5 classes below are produced by the Framework. Variants, which already exist, and are tested and proven, are placed under the V-Class.\\ \\ 2. B-Class (Basic/Base/Beginner/Bridge): B-Class rules are the basic IAGO version in the minimal framework; are based off the A-Class version of rules; and are used to introduce people to the fullness of the IAGO versions of the game. B-Class is the starting point for all versions of the IAGO version of a game. It is a minimal step off the A-Class (standard rules for a game), and is used to introduce new pieces to a game, and is the starting point for the other classes. (One set of rules)\\ \\ 3. C-Class (Classic/Standard/Stable): This Class has additional rules and adjustments to B-Class the IAGO version of the game, which is used for the optimal and most stable version of the game. This version is meant to introduce people to the full foundation of the IAGO version of the game. These rules may be change if flaws in design become apparent. This version builds upon B-Class. (One set of rules)\\ \\ 4. M-Class (Modern/Evolving): This Class is intended to evolve over time, and includes the latest set of rules, and adjustments to make the game play better. This version is out on the edge for standard players. It is intended to keep play new and remain on edge, avoiding a need to memorize lines of play. One of the purposes of this version is to test what can eventually become part of the standard version. However, there may be rules in the evolving version that are never adapted into the C-Class over time. This Class builds on, or possibly modifies, C-Class. Rule changes to this version could happen between every 2-5 years. A guideline to frequency of change is, once the community starts to create books on specific tactics for this game, it is time to change the rules. (One set of rules)\\ \\ 5. V-Class (Variant/Fantasy): This Class is where codified sets of recognized and proven variants of the IAGO version of the game, and mutators, are found. These mutators have guidelines governing the context in which they can be used, and how they may be combined with other rules. Mutators in this context can affect things such as the board used, pieces used, modification to foundational rules, time control, number of players, and win conditions. For example, Misere' is a standard mutator that reverses the win conditions for a variant. This Class relates to the X-Class in that it is a codified, tested and approved version of the X-Class games and rules. This version may build up or modify either the B-Class or M-Class. Anything equipment that deviates from the equipment in A-Class games would be also here. There would possible a specific sub-class of V-Class called AV or VA, which is are established variants of current A-Class games, using their current equipment (and possible rules governing piece movement and function). In addition to games, established and tested mutators would be V-Class. All V-Class games and mutators utilize standardized names. (Multiple sets of rules)\\ \\ 6. X-Class (Extreme/Experimental): The Class a collection of experimental rules, unproven variants, and also includes a FRAMEWORK for development of such rules and integrating them into V-Class. Also included are potential guidelines for players deciding which rules to use. In these guidelines may methods for compatible ranking across games. The framework is meant to enable designers and players to try different things and get wild. This is inherently unstable by nature, due to it being experimental, and therefore, extreme. Things found in this version may end up severely modifying what is found in all the other versions of the IAGO version of the game. X-Class is home for people to do their own "roll your own" varieties of a game. (Multiple sets of rules)\\ ====== The Rules for Transforming from A-Class Rules to B-Class Rules ====== These rules are the foundation, and serve as a means of transforming A-Class Rules to B-Class Rules. Mutable and immutable spells out whether or not the rules are changeable by other versions. All rules, besides A-Class rules, have these rules below applied to them. \\ Note: [Mutable] means rule may be changed by other rules. [Immutable] means it is not allowed to be changed. The only fully immutable law is the one stating that the game equipment must fully be able to meet the requirements of the rules for a game. The rules that are Mutable are a recommended as a standard to be followed.\\ \\ These rules are added to the A-Class rules of a game to transform them into B-Class or greater rules:\\ 1. Players start the game with pieces in reserve. [Mutable]\\ \\ 2. These pieces enter the game one of two ways, only one piece entering per turn [Mutable]: \\ (a) Gating: These pieces may enter the game via gating (piece in reserve comes in and takes start space of piece that started in back row, as that piece vacates its start space). [Mutable]\\ (b) Drop: The pieces are dropped (placed) a vacant space that is part of a group of start spaces for their pieces (a zone). This zone will be defined by game-specific rules. This is a distinct move that takes an entire turn and doesn't involve any other pieces, like gating does. What constitutes a zone is defined by each game specific set of rules. [Mutable]\\ \\ Note: During a game, AT MOST, there is allows as many drops or gatings per game as the number of pieces in reserve in the game. Only one piece may enter a game per turn by means of gating or a drop. [Mutable]\\ \\ 3. In the cases where a piece promotes and brings a piece onto the board, that new piece must be either a piece that has been capture, or still in reserve. Once a piece is capture, it may not be gated back in. [Mutable] \\ \\ 4. Gating and drops are distinct move type. Gating may not be combined with another move type, such as castling in chess. [Mutable].\\ \\ 5. Players are allowed only to use what equipment they are provided by the game, and only by methods documented by the instructions. In other words, all equipment for the game must be available at the game and not made ad-hoc during play, such as in chess when a chess rook is flipped over and used as a queen (If such multiple uses is allowed, then the official rules must account for this). Shorthand way of stating this: provide enough pieces to the players to accommodate the rules of the game. [Immutable] \\ ====== Terms and Conditions of Usage ====== These are the terms and conditions regarding usage of the IAGO Framework. It is meant to be flexible for people, and seeks to be a useful resource. It is also meant to grow the community around abstract strategy games, and coordinate efforts, instead of fragmenting it. To accomplish these ends, these terms and conditions apply. These terms, and this document are NOT meant to excessively restrictive. Reasons for the written communications is to have individuals who use it get in touch with IAGO, in order to build community. This should also be seen as something you can modify, if IAGO is properly credited. PLEASE add any findings to the discussion so that this can be shaped and molded into a better foundation. Lastly, this framework should represent, to a large degree, the “inner plumbing of IAGO” instead of something that is being forced on the world. The object here is to have this as a way to produce consensus, not as a means of restriction, and if this needs to be reworded, please state you wish it were, and how.\\ \\ The terms:\\ 1. This document may be copied and distributed, at no costs, provided that that the copy of this document informs users where they may get ahold of the latest versions of this document. This document may also be modified, and abridged, provided the same conditions may be met. Portions may be quoted out of fair use, but in those case, a reference to this document, and where the latest version can be found, are sited. In addition, this document is free to be modified in distribution, provided that reference to where to obtain the latest version of this document is provided. Works derived from this work should not be construed as approved or endorsed by IAGO World Tour Enterprises, unless said approval and endorsement is given. Said works are considered distinct documents from this, and may be subject to their own terms and conditions for use. Users creating their own derived work off this document, maintain full legal ownership of their document, in light of the prior conditions.\\ 2. Others may copy and distribute this document, commercially (for a fee), provided that IAGO World Tour Enterprises, or the document creator, is contacted in writing of this intention. In the case of profits being made from the distribution of this document, the creator would like to know for what use, and have such effort further the cause of abstract strategy gaming. Distributed for a fee includes references to parts or whole of this document in any material that is sold. Reference to this document's existence, where the latest version may be obtained, and a description of its purpose, is excluded from this.\\ 3. Said distribution of this work, shall be done in accordance with the laws regions where said distribution exists. IAGO World Tour Enterprises assumes no liability for distribution of this work by individuals not part of IAGO or IAGO World Tour Enterprises, by illegal methods. IAGO World Tour Enterprises also assumes no legal liability for distribution of works derived from this.\\ 4. This document may be used as the basis of other frameworks, provided that reference to this work is made, individuals are informed of how they can readily obtain to obtain a copy of the latest version of this document. Individuals who use this document as the basis for other frameworks are encouraged to provide feedback on making this framework better. 5. Feedback on this document is recommended and encourage. Information of the extent of the distribution of this document is likewise encouraged.\\ These terms and conditions are in effect as of April 5, 2008. These may be subject to change, as governed by potential changes in laws, and also the needs relating to the purpose of this document. Please always consult the latest version of these rules, and the terms and conditions, before using them for commercial purposes.