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Evaluation and acceptance process for a game into IAGO

This is the process by which a game is determined whether or not it is accepted into IAGO as an official abstract strategy game:
1. The game in question is compared against the genre definition document. If it fits any genre listed there, besides abstract strategy games, it isn't an abstract strategy game. The genre definition document is here:
2. If the game in question doesn't fit the other genres besides abstract strategy games, it is compared against acceptance criterion for IAGO. If it fits the criterion for a standard abstract strategy game (the top part), it is in. If it does not, then go to the next step. The acceptance criterion here:
3. If the game doesn't fit the criterion for a standard abstract strategy game, the game is then checked against the IAR. If the game in question has an IAR of 3 or less it is accepted into IAGO. If it doesn't, then it isn't. Information on the IAR can be found here: